Monday, November 20, 2006

nak buat keputusan, tak penting ape keputusan itu. yg penting mcm mane kita decide, weigh the good and bad consequences, decide then ready to take the fall.
kalo korang tgk 24 season 4..isk, sure korang heran gile tgk president charles logan tuh.. bodo yg amat. bukan apa. aku penah mention pasal charles logan before nih.[cari! ade perbandingan yg aku buat :D ]
dah laa lembap buat decision, takut nak decide, sbb takut orang akan salahkan die, lepas tuh, kalo pape yg die decide tuh failed, die cari orang lain utk die lepaskan kesalahan tuh. konon itu bukan salah die. nak jadi wakil rakyat pon tak layak, tapi die bleh jadi president US [absurd! cerita je pon..heheh]

die marah sbb CTU decide something without prior notice to him. ikuti perbualan mereka:

ade satu masa tuh, diorang kene mintak approval from the white house, the president in particular to handle a problem. [alaaa, dah tk ingat dah ape masalah diorang]
they need to decide fast, because the terorist was about to create disaster on the US soil. and the president dont know what to decide. and he asked for time for him to think first. bodo2! jack cakap; "with all due respect mr respect mr president, we dont have time! is it a yes or no?" in the end logan hang up the phone conversation and he asked mike novick, [the chief of staff] for an opinion. then logan termenung lagi.
mike novick: mr president, CTU need your response. these terorists are not going to wait for us.its your call.
logan: well mike, i dont know.
then mike bg suggestion. after that, mike propose logan to invite the expresident, mr david palmer to help him to handle the crisis! yeaayyyy. david palmer back again in action.. heheh. [tp sedih nya season 5 he was assasinated by a sniper. a bullet right trough his head.dead]

US in a national crisis, then logan expect that ctu will discuss the matter with him first before proceed to any security measures. tapi die pon bukan bleh buat decision pon.. bodo tak?

macam tuh jugak dalam life. kite kene deicide cepat. dan tepat. jangan decision yg kita tahu akan menyusahkan kita. because most of the time, keterlajakan tak bleh diundur. sesetghnya, when problem occur hasil dr decision kita; kita diberi peluang untuk perbetulkan keadaan. tapi, chance are very little. most of us, terpaksa berhadapan dgn kesan buruk problem yg timbul. and we have to be ready for that. ataupon lari dari masalah. [aku selalu mcm nih, tolak masalah ke tepi. tinggal masalah tergantung spt itu] bukan meletakkan salah itu pada orang lain. decision is really a big thing. once when we were a child, the least kita ade parents utk guide..masuk zaman sekolah, zaman kolej, zaman uni.. choices yg ade utk kita pilih kadang2 sungguh mengelirukan.. makin lama hidup, makin confuse dgn apa yg patut kite buat..
belum lg masuk fasa hidup berkerjaya or maybe berkeluarga. banyak lagi dilemma yg tunggu utk kita decide. cuma masanya je ntah bile. dan strateginya? bersedia, rational,matang. only then, we will be ok.

sedutan cerita dari 24 itu hanya bunga2 saje :D


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