Monday, January 14, 2008

seorang teman yg pernah berputus asa kerana tidak punyai sedikit wang pon untuk meneruskan pelajarannya di matrikulasi [to the extent her grandmother asked her to stop study and get married. yes, it still happened in 2008! look, i dont blame her grandmother..but Thank God she refused and brave enough to look for other initiative ] dalam keadaan kesempitan. beliau dan adik kembarnya bersama2 menerima tawaran ke matrikulasi. dan ibunya berputus asa. keluarga pon semua susah. minta bantuan, dikatanya keluarganya tidak termasuk keluarga miskin. membuat rayuan kepada wakil rakyat tempatan, tidak mendapat layanan walaupon setelah penat ke sana kemari menyediakan dokumen yg diperlukan. akhirnya idea si anak meminta bantuan sekolah. nasib baiklah alumni sekolah membantu. itu pon pinjaman. dapat lah seribu seorang. tidak beberapa lama di matrikulasi, kedua-duanya mendapat tawaran melanjutkan pengajian ke luar negara. just imagine, what happened if she really get married ? and yet, the government happily spent 1 million on fireworks for Merdeka celebration.

but when i asked her, she still thinks that shes ok with the current government. dia berpuas hati. malaysia maju sahaja. you know twin towers, ... putrajaya .. astronaut.. that sort of things. you get what i mean? teman itu tidak pernah sedar hak yg sepatutnya menjadi milik beliau. ini hanya satu kes. berbanding beribu2, mungkin berjuta kes lain.

bertanya kepada teman lain yg hidupnya tidak kesempitan. senang saja hidupnya. if comes the next general election, who will you vote for? again, the answer sounds familiar. "aku puas hati je kerajaan sekarang. aku tak fikir keperluan untuk tukar kerajaan. hidup aku fine je. lagi pon, aku tak nampak macam mana orang macam Nik Aziz nak perintah sebuah negara. " argggh, she maybe forgot that I am a big fan of Nik Aziz! hahah.

but, i tell you, this is no joke may i remind you, they both dont even know who KJ is! i mean they dont know what KJ stands for, and how KJ relate to the PM. in short, they dont have any idea, at all who the hell is KJ. no offence, but do you have any idea how many other people like these 2 friends of mine? again, no offence, but this is a total unacceptable ignorance!

seriously believe me, the opposition have to work really hard, i mean harder to reach the voters. tak guna jugak berceramah di hujung sana, hujung sini. masuk ceruk sana. ceruk sini. bagi peminat ceramah penerangan, ceramah politik, yg tinggal di johor, maybe sanggup ke penang pon untuk dengar Anwar Ibrahim berceramah. kempen is not all about ceramah. kempen bukan hanya tanggungjawab Anwar Ibrahim, Haji Hadi, Nik Aziz, Lim Kit Siang etc etc. orang macam aku yg takde parti pon buleh berkempen. at least, since yesterday, those 2 friends i mentioned before started to think if they should vote for the BN or not? i started off my campaign with [as i said in my previous entry], " we vote for opposition not because of they are better, it is because we cant vote for the BN. "


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