Friday, December 01, 2006

sambung lagi tgk desperate housewives. susan cam berdendam dgn si iedie yg dah rampas mike yg hensem, kacak bergaya, macho dll. hahahaahahah. salah satu dialog yg menarik perhatian aku "i want to kill her without doing crime!"
yeahhh, dgn orang2 yg aku rasa cam nak balas dendam. aku pon rasa nk balas dendam. rasa cam nak flying kick, terajang, belasah teruk2. urggggghhhhhh, bencinya aku!!! i kept on thinking, sampai hati orang buat aku sedih, mengguris perasaan [ecehhhhhh] ok serious again! sampai tahap tuh je diorang value aku.. like; bodohnye aku!
sudahnya, aku practise dalam toilet [masa tgh mandi] aku tumbuk2 dinding. and guess what? aku rasa relieved sket.[make sure tumbuk sekuat hati.sbb kalo takut sakit memang tak lepasand indeed, ia memang sakit ] maybe this is what they called as "revenge without doing crime".. heheh. mane2 yg rasa berdendam tuh, maybe you should do the same :D

so watch out those people who make me sick!! i am more than ready~ [gelak evil]


My tutor and english friends call me Nurul since they can't pronouce my other name said...

wah saya takut.....

afifi said...

bile manusia hilang pertimbangan..mereka boleh jadi sesuatu yg menakutkan.. heheh..

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