apabila YB Zulkifli Nooordin dihadapkan ke jawatankuasa disiplin parti, pelbagai reaksi datang dari pelbagai pihak. semua mata memandang, bagaimana PKR memutuskan mengadili situasi seumpama ini. situasi YB Zul ini tidak sama seperti situasi Datuk Ahmad Ismail di penang. mempertahankan Islam tidak sama seperti mempertahankan melayu. YB Zul said, Islam comes first. but then, it depends on how you interpret "mempertahankan Islam" and it also depends on how we terbuka enough to accept one's view.

aku tersenyum macam beruk hari ini. membaca bait-bait di muka depan the star. teresa freed. the government said she was freed because she was no longer a threat to national security. since when she was a threat anyway? as if, ISA berkesan mengesan dan mengubati ancaman kepada keselamatan negara. and what the hell are they doing with RPK? and 60+ others?i assumed this article is written by RPK. is this a sign of giving up? hope he will stay strong! sama seperti mereka yg bertahun di tahan dibawah akta yang sama.

aku tersenyum macam beruk hari ini. membaca bait-bait di muka depan the star. teresa freed. the government said she was freed because she was no longer a threat to national security. since when she was a threat anyway? as if, ISA berkesan mengesan dan mengubati ancaman kepada keselamatan negara. and what the hell are they doing with RPK? and 60+ others?i assumed this article is written by RPK. is this a sign of giving up? hope he will stay strong! sama seperti mereka yg bertahun di tahan dibawah akta yang sama.
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