Friday, September 07, 2007

some people believe there will be sweeteners in the 2008 budget. apparently, it wasnt really sweeteners. its a pure honey live from putrajaya!

maybe this is what he meant when he said, there is so much thing to be done. that he has a lot more to give to the people.

i heard scream from the UK, the US and Canada. yeahhh.. yeahhh.. from those in Malaysia too. and those pakcik makcik with children in school, finally, SPBT is for all. no more fees in school. now I know, it is not Hishamuddin to make the call for the SPBT matter. its him, our beloved Mr PM to announce, "everyone listen to me, SPBT is for ALL! believe me as I wont take my word back!"

he is really a puppet. entertain people all the time. the opposition team sit and watch from their cozy couch, to laugh at this puppet. who apparently is very good at entertaining people. look at him, he give everything you asked for. so people, vote for him! it will be his pleasure to entertain you guys again next year in budget 2009. ngaahaahah.


kingbinjai said...

ngehehehe i saw a big letter of L on his forehead ha ha ha

Najwan Halimi said...

Salam Afifi,

Aktif? Takde la aktif sangat. Sekadar membantu apa yg termampu.

Terasa malu bila hanya duduk goyang kaki sedangkan teman-teman lain giat turun ke akar.

Anonymous said...

kingbinjai: :clap:

najwan: good for you. btw, lemas aku membaca komen kekuatan UMNO putera di laman ko.

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