Friday, April 20, 2007

battle in ijok

i maybe dont know the real story, the story behind. but this report really pissed me off. kalau betullah cerita yg disampaikan, arggggghhhhhhhh. macam-macam lah dunia nih.

so, its the opposition team who started "the battle" in Ijok. well people, wait for the real battle!

kita sudah tidak mampu untuk melawan dengan maruah. melawan dengan akal. emosi saja lebih. pihak yang punya kuasa menggunakan sepenuhnya jentera yang ada. media yang hanya nampak untung dibayar, orang yg dangkal disogok. tapi itulah, malaysia ini terlalu ramai yg cetek akal. yang terloncat-loncat dengan senang yang bersifat sementara.

i dont know how the play the game. i dont know how they plan their strategy. but, one thing for sure, BN gonna do whatever it takes to win the seat. kerana mereka perlu buktikan, kata-kata seperti, BN dulu, kini selamanya, BN di hati rakyat, BN lidah rakyat blablablabla itu masih valid.

so does the PKR. they have to prove that gelombang perubahan yg diwarwarkan itu mampu membuat orang-orang di kem BN terduduk. mereka perlu buktikan pertaruhan Khalid Ibrahim itu worth it. mereka perlu buktikan kredibiliti Anwar yg diiktiraf dunia itu turut diiktiraf oleh rakyat malaysia.

this is the real battle. bukan baling botol air mineral. booo sana, booo sini. dapat duit, senang hati. pooorahhhh!


  1. Anwar cannot fail. It will be an irony and despicable shame to us Malaysians and whatever little values we have left especially since the Mongolian was killed right next to Ijok. Biar miskin tapi benar, jangan sekali-kali jadi kaya dan pembunuh. Itu bukan adat Melayu. Cannot speak for the Indians and Chinese...for they will probably vote "sensibly and realistically". They will be happy as long as they get their money and development. But never true Malays. It is a disgrace Najib is even there without resolving first this murderous slur on Malaysian dignity.

  2. iff malaysians know how to distinguished what is right and the opposite.

    welcome to my page anyway. thanks for your visit and thoughts.
